Surfrider Foundation Praises Obama's Protection of Atlantic & Arctic

A business veteran with significant entrepreneurial leadership experience, Kim Reed Perell currently serves as CEO of digital marketing technology company, Amobee. Outside of her professional life, Kim Reed Perell supports nonprofit organizations such as the Surfrider Foundation.

Last December, President Barack Obama took executive action to protect the waters of the Atlantic and Arctic oceans from further offshore drilling efforts. The Surfrider Foundation came out in support of the President’s actions. Surfrider CEO Dr. Chad Nelson said that the move was “a testament” to the efforts of numerous groups and individuals who have been leading the charge against dangerous offshore drilling practices.

Since 2014, the Surfrider Foundation has been a key voice in numerous local and federal government activities aimed at curbing Atlantic offshore drilling. The organization sent delegates to the White House last February on behalf of numerous coastline businesses opposed to these practices. They met with White House officials, as well as Bureau of Ocean Energy Management director Abigail Hopper.

Through the talks, the group was able to convince the president and his administration to curb the expansion of offshore drilling activities throughout the Atlantic and Arctic regions. The recently released Offshore Drilling Plan also provides protections for the Gulf of Mexico.


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